COVID-19 National Public Health Emergency Team Subgroup for Vulnerable Groups

subgroup of National Public Health Emergency Team has been established to provide oversight and assurance on preparedness, measures and actions to protect vulnerable groups affected by  COVID-19,  including  people  who  use drugs. Eva Devaney is collating feedback from the NVDAS and forwarding this information to the Drug Policy Unit. If you have any issues you feel need to be raised at this subgroup, please email  In the first communication to the DOH, these issues were raised: 

  • Lack of and/or shortage of Personal Protective Equipment, disinfectant, soap, hand sanitiser gel, tissues and gloves.

  • A concern over changing patterns in use of drugs and an increased risk of harms, over dose and drug-related death as a result.

  • A concern over the imminent release of people in prison, with a large proportion likely to be homeless. People who leave prison are at a higher risk of overdose and drug-related death as a result.  

  • Cash flow issues - agencies are trying to pay sick leave, retain staff and maintain service provision.

  • Clarity from the HSE regarding plans, terms and conditions for staff redeployment.

  • Insurance costs – we advocate that the Government propose reduced premiums for this year in light of reduced service provision across the sector and as a goodwill gesture.

  • Insurance company accreditation charges from CHKS Standards – we are advocating that the Government propose a deference of charges for a period of 12 months (annual cost €16k approximately for Tier 4 providers).  

  • Business interruption insurance policies – we advocate that the Government propose that these cover some of the financial losses.


Rapid Assessment of the Impacts of COVID-19


Maintaining Wellbeing